Welcome to the fourth day of the Nebraska State Fair theme week! Today I thought I'd bring it down a notch and show some peaceful-looking, minimalist photos of a tent. This thing looked absolutely gorgeous at night. Plus, they served beer and wine here, so you can't go wrong with that!

I had a tough time deciding which one of these pictures to make the main picture for today's post, as you can see from the nice composition here. Finally, I took one picture of the tent ceiling in the daylight, for comparison:

Tags: photography, photo, nebraska state fair, tent, night, minimal, minimalist
Welcome to the fourth day of the Nebraska State Fair theme week! Today I thought I'd bring it down a notch and show some peaceful-looking, minimalist photos of a tent. This thing looked absolutely gorgeous at night. Plus, they served beer and wine here, so you can't go wrong with that!
I had a tough time deciding which one of these pictures to make the main picture for today's post, as you can see from the nice composition here. Finally, I took one picture of the tent ceiling in the daylight, for comparison:
Tags: photography, photo, nebraska state fair, tent, night, minimal, minimalist
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