I took this picture over the weekend, and I like it for its beautiful simplicity. I took pictures of two different fields of winter wheat, and I have two for which I have slightly bigger plans. It's worth noting that all of the pictures on my blog thus far are completely unaltered in Photoshop--all I've done is resize and sometimes crop using MSPaint. Well, I have one picture where the field turned out absolutely gorgeous and the horizon is clean, and another with a beautiful sky. I intend to use Photoshop to combine the two. The program is on my other computer, which I rarely use, but as soon as I finish that project I'll post it. I have another one that I took during the blizzard that turned out too dark, and I'll lighten it in Photoshop and post it as well.
I took this picture over the weekend, and I like it for its beautiful simplicity. I took pictures of two different fields of winter wheat, and I have two for which I have slightly bigger plans. It's worth noting that all of the pictures on my blog thus far are completely unaltered in Photoshop--all I've done is resize and sometimes crop using MSPaint. Well, I have one picture where the field turned out absolutely gorgeous and the horizon is clean, and another with a beautiful sky. I intend to use Photoshop to combine the two. The program is on my other computer, which I rarely use, but as soon as I finish that project I'll post it. I have another one that I took during the blizzard that turned out too dark, and I'll lighten it in Photoshop and post it as well.
This pic makes me want to break out my hat and boots and ride off into the unknown.
Looks nice. You really captured what it's like to live in Nebraska: shitloads of nothing. You forgot the cows, though.
I intended to take pictures of cows over the weekend, but I forgot. Perhaps another day. The young calves are like really cute little hamburgers to me.
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