Path in the Corn Field
I really love this picture because it relates my favorite subject, rural Nebraska, through my favorite style, minimalism. I hope you like it too.

It was taken on my father-in-law's farm in the summer of 2006 (it took me a while to figure out how to treat the picture in Photoshop) before he switched to center pivot irrigation.

The pipes you see along the sides of the path are for surface irrigation, a technique commonly used in the flatter parts of the state (where it's usually referred to as gravity irrigation). Furrows are dug through the rows, to allow the water to run down them, and these pipes have holes which can be plugged or unplugged as needed to allow the water to run out. It uses a lot more water than center pivot irrigation (and hence it costs more in fuel to pump it out of the ground) and it's also a lot more work, since you have to remove the pipes to drive machinery into the field. People still use it, however, because of the large initial investment involved in getting center pivot irrigation installed.

EDIT 3/17/2008: I have removed this image from ArtistRising, as I'm extremely dissatisfied with the formats they have available for square images. As soon as I find a different outlet for my square images, I will let you know. You can, of course, purchase prints directly from me. If you want to do so, contact me via e-mail (kelly.hoffart [at] gmail.com).

Path in the Corn Field


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it..for all the reasons you mentiond and more. Keep up the original eye.

11:32 AM, October 21, 2007  

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