I really like this shot, done by an awesome blogger. She doesn't claim to be a photographer, but this one's very nice. It's only too bad she doesn't have a larger size of this picture. Here's what she had to say:
I really like this shot, done by an awesome blogger. She doesn't claim to be a photographer, but this one's very nice. It's only too bad she doesn't have a larger size of this picture. Here's what she had to say:
1. Your URL: http://www.piefilling.net (or photos here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/infinite-pie/ if you'd rather include
that link, since I don't have a photo blog)
2. Technical information for the shot: Not much to add here, I have a
pretty sub-par camera: a Fujifilm FinePix 2650. I used the macro
setting for this shot.
3. Any stories about the shot/explain the subject matter or how you
took the shot: It's a close-up of one of the cymbals on my drum kit,
which is partially covered with a drum pad so as not to annoy the
neighbours. I just liked the angle of light versus the line of the
drum pad.
4. Your photographic philosophy: Don't have one, I just enjoy taking
5. The method to your madness: No method, a lot of madness.
6. How you got into photography, and any exciting or interesting
experiences involving photography: I originally started getting
interested in photography when I started doing photo shoots for a few
local bands, both live and promo shots, with an older Kodak digital.
7. What is your ultimate dream and/or realistic goals with
photography? I'm looking into getting a much better camera some time
soon, as I've become more interested in taking photos of subjects
other than bands and my dogs. I have no illusions about being an
artist, I just enjoy photography.
This is a cool shot! Nicely done.
I use those silence pads on my drums and cymbals so I don't annoy my kids...they don't like the noise.
Good Day, My Compadres:
I am the Quest Master. I bear ill tidings: the Northern Chalice of Blog Wisdom has been lost. You have been handpicked to join the quest to recover the Northern Chalice.
We will search far and wide. We will leave no corner of the blogosphere unturned. And we will be victorious in our dual quest for blog traffic and the return of the great Northern Chalice.
The names of your Blog Titles have been scrambled into anagrams. Once a day you will receive an email from me, The Quest Master, informing you that a clue, in the form of a letter of the alphabet, has been found.
The clue, in the form of a letter, will be placed in a current day comment in one of your blogs as listed under chosen blogs below. To find the clue, you will need to visit every blog in the list and search the comments for a post from me, The Quest Master. Again, I emphasize, the comment will be placed on the most current post of the blog at the time so there will be no need in searching through dozens of posts and comments. You may however, need to visit every blog on the list if you are unlucky enough to find the clue right away.
Find the clue and record the letter somewhere safe. The Witch of the Lesser Southern Isles will be attempting to steal your clues, so guard them carefully.
You will be notified by email when the next clue has been placed. As soon as possible after this email notification, search for the next clue.
As you collect letters, you will attempt to unscramble them. The letters will ultimately reveal the name of one of the participating blogs below.
Successfully unscramble the name of the blog, and you will recover the Northern Chalice of Blog Wisdom and receive all appropriate honors and riches.
1. the first compadre to successfully unscramble the blog name to find the North Chalice of Wisdom will win 250 Blog Explosion Credits AND A $50 Gift Package from Mystickal Incense and More.
2. Five 2nd Place prizes of 50 Blog Explosion Credits will be randomly awarded to those who participate on a daily basis.
3. Each compadre may only make ONE guess per day.
4. All guesses must be made by email to me, the Quest Master, at be_blogquest@yahoo.com
5. Anyone who can figure out who I, the Quest Master, am will receive an additional prize.
6. The Quest will begin with the revelation of the first clue at 12:00 Noon Eastern Daylight Time, and will end when the first correct guess has been made and submitted to me, the Quest Master.
7. If you wish not to participate, you have until Noon on Wednesday, Eastern Daylight time to request to be removed from this quest.
The Quest Master
Blog Quest Version 1: The Search for the Northern Chalice of Wisdom
The Cartoonist They Call the Stik
The Pink Shoe
Jaws Was A Lady
Pointless Drivel
Poodle and Dog Blog
Perspectives of a Nomad
Jetting Through Life
Meltwater. Torrents. Meanderings. Delta.
Mystickal Incense and More blog
the Flip Side
Jane Loves Tarzan
Full Metal Photography
Living With Multiple Personalities
Happy blank Day blog
Utenzi blog
This Circus I Call My Life
Jazz Coffee
The Dramedy of Life
My Opinion On Sports
I want no part of that, thank you.
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